Soluciones innovadoras en sensores de fibra óptica para la industria

Oficina de Menditech

About us

Self-developed technology to provide solutions to the industry

Born within the Public University of Navarre, Menditech is a Technology-Based Company and a spin-off from that institution. It was founded to transfer the knowledge of fibre optics sensors technology to the industry through innovative and cost-efficient developments, capable of offering solutions beyond the reach of other technologies.

Instalaciones de Menditech en la Universidad Pública de Navarra
Una persona sostiene un cable de fibra óptica iluminado en color rojo

Same technology, new applications at a more competitive cost

Currently, fibre optics technology is used in niche applications with ultra-high-performance solutions and high prices.

However, Menditech presents a completely innovative approach to these solutions, proposing applications that offer an optimized system at a competitive cost.

Our philosophy is based on three pillars:

  • Experience: Decades of research in the design and development of fibre optics sensors systems have allowed us to optimize them for each application.
  • Technology: Fibre optics have reached the optimal maturity level for their application in the industrial field.
  • Cost reduction: Derived from the enormous development of systems and devices for optical communications (fiber-to-the-home, intercontinental links…).