Soluciones innovadoras en sensores de fibra óptica para la industria



Asesoramiento e implantación completa de sistemas sensores de fibra óptica.

At Menditech, we offer a comprehensive service that covers the entire process, from initial consulting to the complete implementation of fibre optics sensor monitoring systems.

Customized diagnosis/analysis

We provide a client support service tailored to each specific need. We study the particular requirements to ensure that every aspect of our proposal can deliver the desired results to the challenges presented.


We conduct training sessions to empower users and ensure an effective implementation and optimal utilization of our technology.

Maintenance service

We provide continuous follow-up after installation, offering specialized consulting to optimize the solution’s performance over time. Additionally, we manage regular software and hardware updates to ensure maximum efficiency and durability of the systems.

Customer service

Our team is available to resolve any questions or issues that may arise.