Soluciones innovadoras en sensores de fibra óptica para la industria



Frequently asked questions about fibre optics sensors

What are fibre optics sensors? Are they related to the internet or telecommunications?

Since the development of fibre optics for telecommunications, variations in light propagation—which also serves to transmit information in communications such as the internet—have been studied to measure environmental parameters with high precision. In this way, transducers made of fibre optics have been developed and continue to be developed, capable of measuring variations in numerous parameters with great sensitivity and high resolution.

What is a sensor interrogator?

A sensor interrogator is the optoelectronic equipment to which fibre optics transducers are connected. It is responsible for injecting light into the sensors and interpreting the variations produced in the reflected light.

n the field of other sensor technologies, this device is commonly known as a “data-logger”, “logger”…